The Isidore's Number

one number of the Wilhelm Reich's orgasme fonction

by Christian Angelliaume, 1994

Some arythmetic:

Let be a small animal, round, unicellular, who lives: it eats, and profits, and grows bigger: it accumulates a little more than it is necessary for him to live.

An instant arrives when the protoplasmic pressure is stronger than its membrane can support; or that its internal pressure and the one who surrounds it makes its membrane stretch more than it is needed; or that the intern orgone pressure is stronger than the external orgone tension; or that the vitality which it contains is higher than that which tolerates him its membrane in comparison with to the vitality in which it bathes.

Then it divides: and it is divided into two, and not into three or another number! It is important: in 2! And only in two: one does not see a cell being divided into 3 or 4 or another number: it is always into two.

What does superficial relaxation as it to gain to divide?

Here is, so, the Isidore's Number:  2 times cubic root of half (or cubic root of 4) ≈ 1,587 (inverse is ≈ 0,63…)

A - When I consider the cell that becomes divided as unit (= 1), the ratio of the tensions of its membrane after its division with that of each of the two membranes that result from this division, is value of the Isidore's Number.

B – The oscillation of the tensions of surface of a cell passes between unit (= 1) and the Isidore's Number: there is no item zero, no nothing. When it appears to life, it is a multiple of a prime nomber of the Isidore's Number; and where it divides to find an equal surface tension; it is to reach a tension of equal surface inverse to the Isidore's Number. Starting point is always unit, the existence! Never the nothing, the nonexistent, the zero.

C - Although the initial cell is divided into two, each of the two final cells are not equal to half of the initial cell as regards tension (life) of surface, but equal contrary to the Isidore's Number. The walk of the life is not equal to 0,5 but to 0,63… (one on the Isidore's Number).

D - The world is only addition (provision of energy) and division (relaxation), while passing incidentally by the subtraction (waste, mainly); but not multiplication. In other words: the multiplication is a view of the mind of the human being, because nature does not cease dividing, without stopping and what the human being takes for multiplication is only division.

E - Energy becomes surplus only when energy reaches the level of the Isidore's Number.

F - An important point that shows us the Number of Isidore is that:

- in this deal of division of living being and as for the field of the alive world, 1 that divides 2 is not equal to 0,5 but to 1 on cubic root of 4: it is the reason of the growth;

in the world of the living, unit (unity) that divides 2, although equalizes with two halves, each half is not equal to half of one (to 0,5) but to 1 that divides the square of the cubic root of 4; and one cannot speak any more about 2 times 0,63 to return to the unit!

G - The fusion of two entities, the opposite of division, does not take place by multiplication, but by addition of these two entities; therefore, from philosophical point of view, division is the source of multiplication, and the opposite.

H - And the Isidore's Number is the number of the function of the orgasm of Wilhelm Reich.

Allow me, however, to go still a little further: the Number of Isidore shows us that all calculations carried out to date, primarily in their method, concern mineral life, motionless, about the inert one, and NOT about the ALIVE one. In other words, all the calculations applied to date to the LIFE, with a method that concerns only inert, are false; at best are approximations. Imagine!


But then, my dear friends, what is the orgasm? The orgasm is the blending by addition of two orgone entities (or “endowed with vital energy”) which, being itself excited in this addition up to a point named fusion, come to the division of the new entity then formed like unit; then again, to find itself as an individuality with a vital energy less who is more compatible with the ambient energy level; the Isidore's Number gives us the quantity of this qualitative change.

Masturbation is indeed a loss of excess vital energy for a re-establishment on an environmental level, but without the marriage of fusion.

The function of the orgasm specifies us the way in which an energy entity can only lose surplus energy that it absorbs by providing for its own vitality (food, breathing, social activity, wellbeing, etc) and who can to him, at a given moment, only be surplus.

Thus, there are two pleasures in the operation of the orgasm (if as well as one devotes oneself to it freely, of course): pleasure of fusion (addition of two entities) and pleasure of division (division of the new entity according to the Isidore's Number) which brings to the relaxation, the relieving of the orgone individual system, the first being the condition of the second. The monocellulaire has only division for pleasure to him. Fusion can take place only via the complementary genitals; otherwise one will speak simply about individual orgasm or monocellulaire.

Why have primates the upper propention therefore in mating, which is to say to couple theirself out of what is named “rut”? Because the transformation of energy which they absorb, by the choice on which they operate, allowed variety and their own constitution, is more efficient; and particularly at the human being. Why many animals copulate (let us be wary, we are not in their bed!) less often? Because their absorption of energy is just sufficient with that which they need for only sustain their joy of life.

Why the function of the orgasm is bound, except primates, with the reproduction of the species? Because energy provision is made in excess more important with moment when nature is more in energy, and that the breeding of the offspring is a loss of energy which takes place, it also, in the joy of the expenditure once again for another alive entity. Because fusion by addition can to operate only by identification with other orgone entity at the time of excitation, since it is this identification that causes this excitation of the pleasure, of fusion; and that in the case of the breeding of the offspring, this fusion takes place similarly by this identification with the being in becoming.

The need between energy entities and what another energy entity can give, “nature” for example, is dialectical (dialectics -- Hegelian or historic -- is the movement which starts after the suspension of the complementarity, because dialectics is the movement which will tend to find the complementarity, this moment more or less court of “rest” in the course of the life). This “nature” is the environment of the energy entity that gives it the relative quality of its energy excess: it will provide there as far as it will give the limits of them. This limit can, or not, correspond to the energy maximum point which will carry, or not, with the bringing together for the fusion of two energy entities.